



About Me.

What am I?

That's a good question but it's sort of hard to sum it up in a sentance. So have it as a list of attributes and percentages. That's a bit easier.
  • Aeronautical Engineer - 35%
  • Software Engineer - 40%
  • Chef - 12%
  • Synthesist - 10%

Yea yea. I know the percentages don't add up to 100% but who said that needs to happen anyway...


Graduate Software Engineer


Sept 2019 to Present

  • I work to develop my skills in C++ / Python / Git and other tools used by Oxbotica.
  • Contribute to a range of projects ran by other teams.
  • Work with other graduates on a specific project.

Building Performance Monitoring Engineer

Greengauge Building Energy Consultants

Aug 2018 to Aug 2019

  • I worked to design, develop and test a monitoring system for variables such as temperature, humidity and energy consumption. The collected data is used to inform future building design decisions as well as verifying existing designs.
  • I held sole responsibility for the development of the project and ensure that my time is spend appropriately to keep it on track.
  • This role has enabled me to further develop my programming skills by learning and using both Python and C++ in my day to day work; gain experience using prototyping platforms, such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi; and given me some experience working with Linux and version control (Git/Github).
  • I also helped refine the company’s recruitment and project management processes.

Bartender / Front of House

Pear Tree Inn

July 2016 to Aug 2018

  • Duties included replenishing stock, taking bookings, and welcoming and serving customers.
  • This role has led to the development of good teamworking and customer service skills.

Grocery Assistant


Sept 2012 to Dec 2015

  • Tasks included stock replenishment and dealing with customer requests.
  • I was presented with an award for excellent customer service.


MEng Aeronautical Engineering


Loughborough University

2013 to 2018

Modules Include: Computing (87), Engineering Maths 1-3 (75,75,67), Advanced Reliability (74).
Final Year Individual Project: Developing a 3D collision avoidance algorithm for UAVs (70).
Final Year Group Project: Designing a UAV to collect medical supplies from remote locations (80).



The Corsham School

2011 to 2013

4 A Levels: Chemistry (A), Mathematics (A), Further Mathematics (B), Physics (B).


5A* 3A 2B

The Corsham School

2009 to 2011

10 GCSEs: 5 A*’s (inc. Maths), 3 A’s (inc. English Language and Statistics), 2 B’s.


Loughborough Students Ultimate Frisbee

Loughborough Univeristy

Mar 2014 – Mar 2018

Throughout university, I have been a member of Loughborough Students Ultimate Frisbee. In my final year of university, I held the position of Club Chair. This role involved coordinating committee actions, acting as the club’s point of contact with the university sport executive, and chairing regular meetings. In preparation for meetings, I would set an agenda with a clear end goal and ensure than the meeting is kept on time and that the focus does not drift away from the end goal. Additionally, I have previously held the positions of Director of Competitions and Publicity Secretary. These roles required communicating with other university teams to enter tournaments as well as with student media representatives to publicise the games.

WFDF World Under 23 Ultimate Championships


July 2015

After a year of playing ultimate frisbee, I was presented with the opportunity to volunteer at the World Under 23 Ultimate Championships. As a volunteer, I worked within a team to: provide information to spectators; score, time and record statistics for games; and ensure each pitch had an adequate supply of water for players.


Independent Working

Throughout my degree, I have frequently been required to work independently. In my final year, I undertook a project on UAV collision avoidance that accounted for 50% for my year mark. To achieve the project’s goal, I broke the project down in to a series of smaller tasks and scheduled my time accordingly using techniques such as Gantt charts and critical path analysis.


As part of my degree I have undertaken many projects as part of a team. This includes leading a team of eight people to design a UAV for carrying medical supplies to remote areas. This work was presented, by myself and other team members, to members of the Royal Aeronautical Society. The work was also presented separately to the Foresight Manage of Transport for London as part of a university initiative to contribute work to the Nesta Flying High Challenge. Additionally, my work with Loughborough Students Ultimate Frisbee has required me to work in a team of 12 people to run a club of 75 members.

Problem Solving and Creativity

I enjoy being faced with a problem to solve. I take what I have previously learnt and then look at what can be applied to the problem at hand. I also try to draw similarities to work I have previously completed, to identify if a technique that worked there may be appropriate in the new problem. I am also not afraid to look for an alternative approach. Some problems require a more creative approach or for an entirely new approach to be taken. As a hobby, I enjoy playing and writing music. This give me a creative outlet and often allows me to look at a problem in a way other people may not.


I have well developed written and verbal communication skills. I have given many presentations to both fellow students and lectures whilst at university and have written numerous technical reports and literature reviews. I still continue to develop these skills with the presentations I give and reports that I write.


As part of my positions with Loughborough Students Ultimate Frisbee, I have organised and ran multiple events, such as an awards evening and a national tournament for new frisbee players. This tournament was held over two days and featured 36 teams from around the country. I organised the playing venue, the tournament schedule and accommodation for all the teams involved. I have also organised alumni fundraising events for the Youth Sports Trust. I am well organised and can schedule my time efficiently, such as with my individual final year project.


I have excellent computer skills and am confident in using both Windows, Mac, Linux and Microsoft Office. As part of my final year individual project, I used Matlab and Simulink extensively to design a collision avoidance algorithm for a UAV. This, along with my work with Greengauge, has allowed me to develop my programming skills and learn both C++ and Python. I continue to learn and develop my skills in these languages. I have also had some experience with version control (Git/Github). My work at Greengauge has also developed my interest in the Internet of Things.

Achievements / Interests.


I have a keen interest in music, which has led me to host and produce a radio show with Loughborough Campus Radio and teach myself to play the guitar. I am currently working on learning the piano, writing my own music and building a modular synthesizer.


I enjoy playing a range of sports including squash, badminton and ultimate frisbee. I have also achieved a level one frisbee coaching qualification, recognised by the UK governing body.


I still remain interested in subjects other than my degree, such as physics, mathematics and technology. I try to keep up to date with the latest discoveries, their applications and learn more about them. I am also working on building my own website, learning HTML and CSS along the way.